Loaga otse seotud dokumendid
Par VVD sagatavoto 22.08.2023 dokumentu Nr. 13.9/AP/9300/2023 Grozījumi Nr. 2 paziņojumā Nr. FI 230023
DL-230023-7 |
Valsts vides dienests |
22.08.2023 |
Notification No FI 230023
DL-230023-10 |
SIA EcoLead |
06.09.2023 |
hipment #11-15 corresponding notification No: FI 230023 recovery has been completed
DL-230023-12 |
SIA EcoLead |
29.09.2023 |
About recovered baterries waste flow according notification No. FI 230023
DL-230023-1 |
SIA EcoLead |
16.08.2023 |
Recieved shipment #6 corresponding notification No: FI 230023
DL-230023-3 |
EcoLead |
21.08.2023 |
Romu Keinänen notifications FI230023, FI230046, FI230047
DL-230023-5 |
Romu Keinänen Oy |
22.08.2023 |
Romu Keinänen notifications FI230023, FI230046, FI230047
DL-230023-6 |
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) |
22.08.2023 |
Recieved shipment #8 corresponding notification No: FI 230023
DL-230023-8 |
SIA EcoLead |
30.08.2023 |
Decision of Notification FI 230023
DL-230023-13 |
Suomen ympäristökeskus | Finlands miljöcentral | Finnish Environment Institute |
02.11.2023 |
Notification No FI 230023 recovery has been completed
DL-230023-11 |
SIA EcoLead |
08.09.2023 |
About recovered baterries waste flow according notification No. FI 230023
DL-230023-2 |
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) |
18.08.2023 |
Notification No FI 230023
DL-230023-9 |
SIA EcoLead |
04.09.2023 |
Decision of Notification FI 230023
DL-230023-4 |
The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) |
21.08.2023 |
Menetluse M-124351 dokumendid (Notification No FI 230023)
Decision of Notification FI 230023
DM-124351-9 |
The Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE) |
19.06.2023 |
No ZE20IA0001
DM-124451-2 |
SIA „EcoLead” |
25.04.2023 |
Regarding acknowledgement of notification No FI 230023
DM-124351-6 |
State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia |
16.05.2023 |
Grozījumi Nr. 1 paziņojumā Nr. FI 230023
DM-124351-10 |
The State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia |
21.06.2023 |
Transmission of Notification FI 230023
DM-124351-1 |
Finnish Environment Institute SYKE |
03.04.2023 |
Nr FI 230023
DM-124351-5 |
SIA „EcoLead” |
05.05.2023 |
Piekrišana pārrobežu atkritumu sūtījumiem. Paziņojums Nr. FI 230023
DM-124351-8 |
The State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia |
19.06.2023 |
Additional information regarding Ecolead ltd (Latvia) production waste management process
DM-124351-4 |
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) |
02.05.2023 |
Notification No FI 230023
DM-124351-2 |
State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia |
06.04.2023 |
Par atkritumu pārrobežu sūtījumiem. Paziņojums Nr. FI 230023
DM-124351-3 |
State Environmental Service of the Republic of Latvia |
18.04.2023 |
Riikidevahelise jäätmete läbiveo loa nr FI 230023 väljastamine
DM-124351-7 |
Keskkonnaamet |
17.05.2023 |